I woke up today knowing that things had to get done. Frame jobs from clients await my loving touch. Calls need to be made and my brain needs to be open to creative concepts. I have to stay up to date on what's current and trendy, stylish and fun, decorative and functional. I love my job!!! I never know what the day will bring. I have paint under my nails and the smell of candles burning fill the air. My favorite Christian music station is playing songs on the radio. Hope is real. Sorrows loom but life goes on. I do my chores. I say my prayers and know that God is taking care of the big stuff. I'm here to take care of what I can and be a blessing to others whenever possible. I only wish that all of your dreams come true and happiness and love fill your hearts. Until next time, signing off with an artistic swoosh of the brush, yours truly,
Kimbo Fresh
(because that would be the name I'd choose if I were a rap singer)
What would your name be?