What??? I thought that wasn't for like another year and a half or something.
I didn't even have it marked on my calendar. I'm usually pretty organized.
This just ran up on me. Never knew a thing about it.
You'd think someone in the calendar business would have known about this one.
It would have helped me to have had more time to plan for it.
I could have thrown a party or something. Imagine...Geez.
Um, here's an idea to leave you all with for my last "official" blog I guess, because we're
not gonna be here after tomorrow, ya' know. ....
Mark your calendars for another date. It is February 21st, 2012, right??? I think so.
That's 9 months from now. I bet in 9 months there will be lots of babies!!!
I mean, if we're all still here, that is. ....but we're not privy to that info.
The appointment "will come like a thief in the night". Without our knowledge or preparation.
I'm just sayin. :)
So, what are you going to be doing tomorrow? It ought to be good. Have fun and enjoy it.
Be happy. Do stuff you love with the people you love and be thankful....don't do the dishes
or make the bed. Don't worry. Relax and rejoice!!!
We should all be excited because we're going to heaven.
All of us.
Hope to see you soon.